
Αλέξανδρος Π. Μαλλιάς

Alexandros P. Mallias ,former ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the United States  is a recipient of the 2007 Martin Luther King International Legacy Award. He also received an award (2007) from B’nai Birth International for “his commitment to strengthen Jewish –Greek Relations”.In 1994 he was awarded the Medal for Service with the European Community Monitor Mission in the Balkans. Proud of his roots from Arcadia (Stemnitsa) he was named the “Hellene of the Year 2007” by the Pan-Arcadian Federation of America. He recently received the “Panagiotis Foteas 2020 Price” for his book “THE BORDERS-Revisionism”.

As diplomat, he served with 11 different Governments and 15 Ministers of Foreign Affairs. His diplomatic assignments include:

-Ambassador of Greece to USA, 2005-2009.

-Political Director for Balkan Affairs,MFA, 2000-2005

-Ambassador to Albania,1999-2000,  

-First Diplomatic Representative to the Republic of North Macedonia,1995-1999

– Head of the European Union (Balkan) Monitor Mission( ECMM) Regional Centre Sofia and Monitor in Croatia,1994 

-First Counselor for Political Affairs at the Greek Mission to the U.N. (New York),1989-1993  

-Greek Negotiator of the Paris Charter for a New Europe (Vienna and Paris,1990), 

-Delegate at the CSCE Vienna Meeting, 1987-1988

-Charge d’ Affaires in Libya1982-1984.

-Greek Delegation to the Council of Europe, 1978-1982


Guest lecturer:

-Delphi Economic Forum

– Diploma in Negotiations, Athens University for Economics and Business 

-Post -Graduate Course ”Security in the Mediterranean” University of Peloponnese 

-Post graduate courses and seminars at Athens based New York College 


-Diplomatic Academy ,Hellenic Ministry Foreign Affairs


 He is a frequent analyst and commentator on national security, regional and global issues. Author of numerous papers and articles and of the following six books:

– «Τα Σύνορα –Αναθεωρητισμός» (The Borders-Revisionism) ,July, 2020, I.SIDERIS Publishers .

-« Ελλάδα και Βόρεια Μακεδονία-Αυτοψία της Συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών»( Greece and North Macedonia-The Autopsy of the Prespes’ Accord) September, 2018 , I.SIDERIS Publ.

-‘’Ελληνο-Άλβανικές Σχέσεις: Φυγή στο Μέλλον  ή  επιστροφή στο Παρελθόν’’ ( Greek-Albanian Relations ,editor,  collective ) ,December 2017 ,I.SIDERIS publ. 

– “Στον Αστερισμό του Προέδρου Τραμπ –Η Νέα Τουρκία και Εμείς‘’  (In the constellation of President Donald Trump: The New Turkey and Greece) July 2017 ,I.SIDERIS publ.

– “Οράματα και Χίμαιρες-Διαδρομές ενός Διπλωμάτη” (Vision and Chimera-a Diplomat’s Journey),  I.SIDERIS publ., 2016 . 

-” H Άλλη Κρίση- Η Μαρτυρία Ενός Πρέσβη” ( The Other Crisis-an ambassador’s account),  INFOGNOMON,2013).


Alexandros Mallias is a member of the board of the:

-Hellenic Foundation for Culture 

-International Advisory Board of the Greek House Davos

-Advisory Board of the MA in Diplomacy Program :American University in the Emirates, College of Security and Global Studies